Kenneth Ford named a favorite business professor of the class of 2021

5.25.2021 Article, Faculty News, Finance, School News
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Originally posted by Poets & Quants for Undergrads| By Jeff Schmitt

Assistant Professor Kenneth Ford was recently selected as a favorite business professor of the class of 2021 by Poets & Quants for Undergrads.

“Kenneth Ford – Professor Ford has been my favorite professor due to his style of teaching and how approachable he is. I had Professor Ford for two finance classes, and it is safe to say he is responsible for a large portion of my success. Instead of presenting the material in the traditional ways, he taught us the methods that we would utilize in a full-time Finance position. This not only made it easier to absorb but additionally contributed to my success in various internships. Additionally, Professor Ford went beyond the required curriculum to introduce relevant and useful tools and concepts to us, including assigning us a Python project. Outside of class, Professor Ford has been a great resource for me to bounce off career ideas, weigh options relating to job offers, and help me prepare for interviews.” – Jeremy Greer, Wake Forest University

Read more at Poets & Quants for Undergrads.