Undergraduate Program in Finance
The Finance (FIN) major in the Wake Forest University School of Business prepares you for a successful career in financial services, including portfolio management, investment and commercial banking and financial consulting. The major emphasizes a strong concentration in finance, supported by accounting concepts beyond the introductory level, which is critical in a global environment.
The Finance major is also one of our gateway majors to the one-year Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) degree.
Degree Requirements
This program emphasizes the integration of financial economics, accounting and applied statistics to provide students a framework with which to understand a complex financial landscape. Graduates are encouraged to pursue a certification such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
For students to be optimally prepared in a competitive economic environment, it is strongly recommended that students pursue an internship during the summer between the junior and senior year.
PLEASE NOTE: All students who have been accepted into the undergraduate business program are subject to the major requirements listed in the Bulletin year of their acceptance into the School.
Official bulletins are available online.