Online Programs
Welcome New Students – Online MBA Program
Welcome to the Wake Forest community! We are excited to work with you to ensure that your online degree program is a challenging and rewarding experience.
In this section of the website, you will find pertinent information and materials to prepare you for the upcoming school year. Please read all pages thoroughly and carefully. Additionally, after you activate your WFU email account, we strongly encourage you to check it regularly for University and School related action items and information. To access important program dates, review the current School of Business Academic Calendar by visiting the Academic Calendar page.
To ensure a smooth transition to Wake Forest, please follow the checklist below.
- Submit Your Enrollment Deposit: As indicated in your admission letter, submit your non-refundable enrollment deposit. (Visit the Enrollment Deposit page for details)
- Complete the FAFSA: Start the financial aid process by filling out the FAFSA. (Visit Financial Aid and Tuition for guidance)
- Orientation: Save the date and learn more about Orientation. (Check out the Orientation section)
- Final Transcript: Submit your official final transcript if you have not already.
- Follow us: Visit the Social Media page.
(or immediately upon enrollment)
- Activate Your WFU Account: Activate your WFU account and set up Google 2-Step Verification. Your WFU email account will be used for important communications. Please be sure to check it regularly. (Find instructions in the Computing section)
- Complete Onboarding in Workday: Log in to Workday with your WFU account to begin the formal University required onboarding processes. Visit the Workday Student Support page for important resources, including a detailed Onboarding Job Aid.
- Student ID Card: Submit photo for your Deacon OneCard student ID.
- Pay Tuition: Due June 1 for summer; August 1 for fall; December 1 for spring. See Student Financial Services for other important information.
- Optional Tuition Insurance: Consider an elective tuition insurance plan that could help minimize financial loss from an unexpected withdrawal due to sickness or injury. Must apply before first day of classes.
- Connect with our Student Ambassadors: MBA ambassadors serve as a valuable resource for gaining insights into the Wake Forest Online MBA experience through the eyes of current students. We invite you to connect with our ambassadors by visiting the Online MBA Student Ambassador Website.
QUESTIONS: Visit the Contact Program Staff page.