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Profile image for Dr. Sherry Moss

Dr. Sherry Moss

Associate Dean of MBA Programs; Benson Pruitt Professor in Business; Professor of Organizational Studies
OFFICE: Farrell 314
Profile image for Dr. Sherry Moss


Dr. Moss received her Ph.D. in 1991 from Florida State University. She joined the Babcock School in June 2005. Prior to her current position, she served as an associate professor in the department of management and international business and served for five years as the faculty director for the Executive MBA Program at Florida International University. Her research interests include attribution theory, feedback, abusive supervision, leader-member exchange, leader emergence and meaningful work. Her work has been published in various academic journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management and Academy of Management Executive. Dr. Moss is actively involved in several professional organizations including the Academy of Management and Southern Management Association, where she served a 3-year term as Secretary and Membership Chair. She has consulted and conducted training workshops for a variety of local, national and multinational organizations. Most of her training focuses on improving performance and employee development through effective managerial decision making.


  • 2019 - High Impact Research Award, Wake Forest University
  • 2018 - Benson Pruitt Professor in Business, Wake Forest University
  • 2018 - Benson Pruitt Professor in Business
  • 2012 - Social Science Research Grant, WFU Provost's Office
  • 2008 - Cowan Research Award, Babcock Graduate School of Management
  • - Kienzle Teaching Award, Fulll Time MBA Program Alumni
  • - Service Award, School of Business


Organizational behavior; Meaningful work, Attribution Theory; Performance management; Performance feedback; Leadership & supervision; Abusive supervision; Gender and leader emergence; Meaningfulness of Work, multiple job holding

In The Media

  • June 1, 2018 - Multiple Work Identities , Parsing Science| more information
  • May 2, 2018 - How having multiple jobs impacts your Identity , Quartz at Work| more information
  • February 26, 2018 - The Why Factor: Bullies , BBC| more information
  • January 8, 2018 - Bosses Behaving Badly , Charlotte Talks (NPR Affiliate WFAE)| more information
  • June 20, 2013 - On Point with Tom Ashbrooke , National Public Radio (NPR)| more information
  • November 9, 2012 - Scrappy People Find Meaning at Work , Huffington Post| more information
  • June 20, 2012 - On Having Most of Both:Marissa Mayer's Choice , Huffington Post| more information
  • February 24, 2011 - Finding Meaning in Working at WalMart , Huffington Post| more information
  • February 3, 2011 - Why We Work:Finding Meaning in Your Job , Huffington Post| more information
  • January 6, 2008 - Imparting Knowledge: WFU's Nicaragua Project shows Third World entrepreneurs how to improve their businesses , Winston-Salem Journal
  • January 6, 2007 - Imparting Knowledge: WFU's Nicaragua Project shows Third World entrepreneurs how to improve their businesses , Winston-Salem Journal
  • August 3, 2006 - Personality assessments help firms in hiring process , Business Journal-Triad

Research Interests

  • meaningful work, multiple job holding, authenticity, feedback dynamics, abusive supervision

Teaching Interests

  • MBA Organizational Behavior


  • Ph D, Florida State University (Organizational Behavior) - 1991
  • BS, Florida State University (Management) - 1986


Journal of Applied Psychology

Jekyll and Hyde Leadership: Examining the Direct and Vicarious Experiences of Abusive and Ethical Leadership Through a Justice Variability Lens
Xu, H. ,  Hannah, S. ,  Wang, Z. ,  Moss, S. E. ,  Sumanth, J. , &  Song, M.

Journal of Applied Psychology

Jekyll and Hyde Leadership: Examining the Direct and Vicarious Experiences of Abusive and Ethical Leadership Through a Justice Variability Lens
Xu, H. ,  Hannah, S. ,  Wang, Z. ,  Moss, S. E. ,  Sumanth, J. , &  Song, M.

Jenny Stanford Publishing

Causes of abusive supervision: The case of bullying in academic science
Moss, S. E. (2021)

Jenny Stanford Publishing

Causes of abusive supervision: The case of bullying in academic science
Moss, S. E. (2021)


Possible solutions to academic bullying in higher education
Moss, S. E. (2021)


Possible solutions to academic bullying in higher education
Moss, S. E. (2021)

Jenny Stanford Publishing

Targets' responses to abusive supervision
Moss, S. E. (2021)

Jenny Stanford Publishing

Targets' responses to abusive supervision
Moss, S. E. (2021)


STEM the bullying: An empirical investigation of abusive supervision in academic science
Moss, S. E. , &  Mahmoudi, M. (2021)


STEM the bullying: An empirical investigation of abusive supervision in academic science
Moss, S. E. , &  Mahmoudi, M. (2021)


The absence of legal remedies following academic bullying
Mahmoudi, M. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Keashly, L. (2021)


The absence of legal remedies following academic bullying
Mahmoudi, M. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Keashly, L. (2021)

Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

The relationship between leader affect, presidential approval, and the adoption of COVID-19 personal protective behaviors
Moss, S. E. ,  Kessler, S. ,  Martinko, M. J. , &  Mackey, J.

Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

The relationship between leader affect, presidential approval, and the adoption of COVID-19 personal protective behaviors
Moss, S. E. ,  Kessler, S. ,  Martinko, M. J. , &  Mackey, J.

International Journal of Human Resource Management

Serving the customer, serving the family and serving the employee: Toward a comprehensive understanding of the effects of service-oriented high-performance work systems
Wang, Z. ,  Song, L. J. , &  Moss, S. E.

International Journal of Human Resource Management

Serving the customer, serving the family and serving the employee: Toward a comprehensive understanding of the effects of service-oriented high-performance work systems
Wang, Z. ,  Song, L. J. , &  Moss, S. E.


The absence of legal remedies following academic bullying
Mahmoudi, M. , &  Moss, S. E.


The absence of legal remedies following academic bullying
Mahmoudi, M. , &  Moss, S. E.

International Journal of Conflict Management

The impact of perceived dissimilarity on feedback avoidance behavior: Testing a multiple mediation model
Song, M. ,  Gok, K. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Borkowski, N.

International Journal of Conflict Management

The impact of perceived dissimilarity on feedback avoidance behavior: Testing a multiple mediation model
Song, M. ,  Gok, K. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Borkowski, N.

Journal of Management

Multiple Jobholding: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
Campion, E. D. ,  Caza, B. B. , &  Moss, S. E. (2020)

Journal of Management

Multiple Jobholding: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
Campion, E. D. ,  Caza, B. B. , &  Moss, S. E. (2020)

Journal of Business Ethics

The duty to improve oneself: How duty orientation mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and followers' feedback seeking and avoiding behavior
Moss, S. E. ,  Song, M. ,  Hannah, S. ,  Wang, Z. , &  Sumanth, J. (2020)

Journal of Business Ethics

The duty to improve oneself: How duty orientation mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and followers' feedback seeking and avoiding behavior
Moss, S. E. ,  Song, M. ,  Hannah, S. ,  Wang, Z. , &  Sumanth, J. (2020)

Journal of Management

Multiple jobholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda
Campion, E. D. ,  Caza, B. B. , &  Moss, S. E.

Journal of Management

Multiple jobholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda
Campion, E. D. ,  Caza, B. B. , &  Moss, S. E.


Scarcity of lab positions in high-ranked institutions creates a breeding ground for bullies
Mahmoudi, M. , &  Moss, S. E. (2019)


Scarcity of lab positions in high-ranked institutions creates a breeding ground for bullies
Mahmoudi, M. , &  Moss, S. E. (2019)


The urgent need for modification of scientific ranking indexes to facilitate scientific progress and diminish academic bullying
Mahmoudi, M. ,  Ameli, S. , &  Moss, S. E.


The urgent need for modification of scientific ranking indexes to facilitate scientific progress and diminish academic bullying
Mahmoudi, M. ,  Ameli, S. , &  Moss, S. E.

Why likable leaders seem more effective
McAllister, C. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Martinko, M. (2019)

Why likable leaders seem more effective
McAllister, C. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Martinko, M. (2019)


Expose institutions' bullying records
Mahmoudi, M. , &  Moss, S. E. (2019)


Expose institutions' bullying records
Mahmoudi, M. , &  Moss, S. E. (2019)

Administrative Science Quarterly

From synchronizing to harmonizing: The process of authenticating multiple work identities
Caza, B. B. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Vough, H. (2018)

Administrative Science Quarterly

From synchronizing to harmonizing: The process of authenticating multiple work identities
Caza, B. B. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Vough, H. (2018)

Journal of Management

When and How Subordinate Performance Leads to Abusive Supervision: A Social Dominance Perspective
Khan, A. ,  Moss, S. E. ,  Quratulain, S. , &  Hameed, I. (2018)

Journal of Management

When and How Subordinate Performance Leads to Abusive Supervision: A Social Dominance Perspective
Khan, A. ,  Moss, S. E. ,  Quratulain, S. , &  Hameed, I. (2018)


Research is Set Up for Bullies to Thrive
Moss, S. E. (2018)


Research is Set Up for Bullies to Thrive
Moss, S. E. (2018)

Journal of Applied Psychology

An Exploration of the Role of Subordinate Affect in Leader Evaluations
Martinko, M. J. ,  Mackey, J. ,  Moss, S. E. ,  Harvey, P. ,  McAllister, C. , &  Brees, J. (2018)

Journal of Applied Psychology

An Exploration of the Role of Subordinate Affect in Leader Evaluations
Martinko, M. J. ,  Mackey, J. ,  Moss, S. E. ,  Harvey, P. ,  McAllister, C. , &  Brees, J. (2018)

Why Some Bosses Bully Their Best Employees
Moss, S. E. (2016)

Why Some Bosses Bully Their Best Employees
Moss, S. E. (2016)

Harvard Business Review

When work satisfaction comes from having four jobs
Moss, S. E. , &  Caza, B. (2015)

Harvard Business Review

When work satisfaction comes from having four jobs
Moss, S. E. , &  Caza, B. (2015)

Academy of Management Journal

Predictors of abusive supervision: Supervisor perceptions of deep-level dissimilarity, relationship conflict and subordinate performance
Tepper, B. J. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Duffy, M. K. (2011)

Academy of Management Journal

Predictors of abusive supervision: Supervisor perceptions of deep-level dissimilarity, relationship conflict and subordinate performance
Tepper, B. J. ,  Moss, S. E. , &  Duffy, M. K. (2011)

Group and Organization Management

The Mediating Role of Feedback Avoidance Behavior in the LMX - Performance Relationship
Moss, S. E. ,  Sanchez, J. I. ,  Brumbaugh, A. M. , &  Borkowski, N. (2009)

Group and Organization Management

The Mediating Role of Feedback Avoidance Behavior in the LMX - Performance Relationship
Moss, S. E. ,  Sanchez, J. I. ,  Brumbaugh, A. M. , &  Borkowski, N. (2009)

Academy of Management Journal

Abusive supervision, upward maintenance communication, and subordinates' psychological distress
Moss, S. E. ,  Tepper, B. J. ,  Lockhart, D. , &  Carr, J. C. (2007)

Academy of Management Journal

Abusive supervision, upward maintenance communication, and subordinates' psychological distress
Moss, S. E. ,  Tepper, B. J. ,  Lockhart, D. , &  Carr, J. C. (2007)

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Anticipating the inevitable: When leader and member atrribution styles clash
Moss, S. E. ,  Martinko, M. J. ,  Douglas, S. C. , &  Borkowski, N. (2007)

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Anticipating the inevitable: When leader and member atrribution styles clash
Moss, S. E. ,  Martinko, M. J. ,  Douglas, S. C. , &  Borkowski, N. (2007)

Attribution Theory in the Organizational Sciences

An exploratory study of workplace aggression
Moss, S. E. , &  Martinko, M. J. (2004)

Attribution Theory in the Organizational Sciences

An exploratory study of workplace aggression
Moss, S. E. , &  Martinko, M. J. (2004)

Academy of Management Executive

Are your employees avoiding you? Managerical strategies for closing the feedback gap
Moss, S. E. , &  Sanchez, J. I. (2004)

Academy of Management Executive

Are your employees avoiding you? Managerical strategies for closing the feedback gap
Moss, S. E. , &  Sanchez, J. I. (2004)

Journal of management Development

Multiple dimensions of racioethnicity: Physioethnicity, socioethnicity and psychoethnicity
Moss, S. E. (2004)

Journal of management Development

Multiple dimensions of racioethnicity: Physioethnicity, socioethnicity and psychoethnicity
Moss, S. E. (2004)

Journal of management Development

Socioethnic explanations for racioethnic differences in job satisfaction
Moss, S. E. ,  Friday, S. S. , &  Friday, E. (2004)

Journal of management Development

Socioethnic explanations for racioethnic differences in job satisfaction
Moss, S. E. ,  Friday, S. S. , &  Friday, E. (2004)

Journal of Management

Are you hiding from your boss? The development of a taxonomy and instrument to measure the feedback management behaviors of good and bad performers
Moss, S. E. ,  Valenzi, E. R. , &  Taggart, W. (2003)

Journal of Management

Are you hiding from your boss? The development of a taxonomy and instrument to measure the feedback management behaviors of good and bad performers
Moss, S. E. ,  Valenzi, E. R. , &  Taggart, W. (2003)

Journal of Organizational Behavior

The effects of performance attributions and outcome dependence on leader feedback behavior following poor subordinate performance
Moss, S. E. , &  Martinko, M. J. (1998)

Journal of Organizational Behavior

The effects of performance attributions and outcome dependence on leader feedback behavior following poor subordinate performance
Moss, S. E. , &  Martinko, M. J. (1998)

Journal of Organizational Behavior

The effects of priming on the self-reporting of perceived stressors and strains
Moss, S. E. , &  Lawrence, K. J. (1997)

Journal of Organizational Behavior

The effects of priming on the self-reporting of perceived stressors and strains
Moss, S. E. , &  Lawrence, K. J. (1997)

Academy of Management Journal

The effects of sex and gender-role on leader emergence
Moss, S. E. , &  Kent, R. L. (1994)

Academy of Management Journal

The effects of sex and gender-role on leader emergence
Moss, S. E. , &  Kent, R. L. (1994)