Internship Programs
Explore Internship Programs for School of Business Students

Internship programs for Wake Forest University School of Business students are often auditions for jobs, beginning with learning opportunities and practical challenges, and resulting in full-time offers. Internship programs also build valuable professional relationships and career skills as students apply classroom learning to real-life work experiences. Even when they do not result in permanent job offers, your internship manager and coworkers may become key supporters in your job search and part of your ongoing network. Use the resources below to find the right internship program for you.
MSA & Undergraduate Students
Begin your internship search at Handshake.
Handshake is Wake Forest’s primary job and internship portal that allows you to review, apply for, and set up interviews for internships, some exclusive to Wake Forest students. Registering will help us keep track of your interests so you will be up-to-date on relevant career events and opportunities.
The Wake Forest University Office of Career and Professional Development offers other recommended external internship search resources. Click here for more information.
BEM Internships (for Business & Enterprise Management majors)
The Business & Enterprise Management internship requirement is substantial and entails specific requirements. Please review the BEM Internship page for more detailed information.

Explore Further
Considering a business program to strengthen your career prospects? Interested in the world-class research being done by our faculty? Or just want to speak with someone to learn more about the School of Business? Here are a few more areas to explore.