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Prof. Lauren Rhue featured in Forbes

However, this is only the very tip of the facial recognition iceberg, and this is where things become particularly problematic. According to Lauren Rhue, Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University School of Business, the issue is far greater than just image.
Professor Lauren Rhue
Professor Lauren Rhue

Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics Lauren Rhue is quoted in Forbes, a story about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how employers and other businesses are using facial recognition. Here is an excerpt from “Here’s what else you need to know about Amazon’s new, scary AI offering”:

However, this is only the very tip of the facial recognition iceberg, and this is where things become particularly problematic.

According to Lauren Rhue, Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University School of Business, the issue is far greater than just image. She says, “This (M.I.T. Media Lab) study is well executed, of course, and highlights the problems associated with large-scale deployment of facial recognition without oversight. This is especially true as law enforcement adopts the software, but it affects other companies who would use facial recognition for their internal needs.”

Rhue explains that people fall into one of two categories men or women, thus it is easy to quantify the bias in the facial recognition and communicate that error rate. Companies can run diagnostics and correct for that error as IBM and Microsoft have as it pertains to their facial recognition technology.  “However, one challenge is that these companies are quickly moving into emotional classification and other more subjective areas.  In this area, it is very difficult to identify the ground truth,” says Rhue.

Read the full story at Forbes.