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Prof. Holly Brower on earning employee trust

Associate Professor Holly Brower co-authored a piece published in the Harvard Business Review titled, “Want your employees to trust you? Show you trust them.”
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review

Associate Professor Holly Brower co-authored a piece published in the Harvard Business Review titled, “Want your employees to trust you? Show you trust them.”

She and co-authors Scott Wayne Lester and M. Audrey Korsgaard offer advice that will help managers signal their trust in their employees.

They write: “In short, trust begets trust. When people are trusted, they tend to trust in return. But people must feel trusted to reciprocate trust. Managers have to do more than trust employees; they need to show it. Based on our research work and time spent in companies studying trust, we’ve identified some of the most important ways managers erode trust and how they can signal it more clearly to their teams.”

Read the full story in the Harvard Business Review.