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Economists to Scrutinize the Federal Reserve at an Upcoming Wake Forest University Conference

WINSTON-SALEM, NC – “The Federal Reserve was a Bad Idea” is the title of a conference scheduled for Feb. 11-12, 2011 on the Wake Forest University campus.

The conference is produced by the Economics Department and the BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism and will feature nationally known economists addressing the following topics:

•Milton Friedman and the Federal Reserve: Then and Now
J. Daniel Hammond, Wake Forest University

•The Practical Impact of the Federal Reserve on Decision Making in Large Financial Institutions
John Allison, Wake Forest University

•Panics and the Disruption of Private Payments Networks: The United States in 1893 and 1907
John James, University of Virginia and David Weiman, Bernard College

•Drawing Lines in U.S. Monetary and Fiscal History
Thomas Sargent, New York University

•Bank Failures and Output
Jeffery Miron, Harvard University

•Has the Fed been a Failure?
George Selgin, University of Georgia and Lawrence White, George Mason University

•U.S. Growth and Stability With and Without a Central Bank
Richard Sylla, New York University

•A Comparison of the Independent Treasury and the Federal Reserve System as Congress’s Agents for
the Regulation of Currency

John Wood, Wake Forest University

You may find a complete schedule of events for the conference at (