Business majors to volunteer on Saturday for Habitat for Humanity as part of class project
Wake Forest Schools of Business Students Invest in Habitat for Humanity
• Who: Wake Forest University business students in Professor Julie Wayne’s “Dynamics in Organizations” class
• What: Help build homes for Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County
• When and Where: Saturday, March 3 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
433 Troy Landing (Smith Farm neighborhood) Winston-Salem, NC 27107
(Approximately 15 students will be on location helping to build a home)
341 Witt Street Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(Eight class members work on a wall build in the ReStore warehouse and assist retail customers)
• Why: Business students are exemplifying the Wake Forest University mission of Pro Humanitate (for humanity) by applying skills they have learned in their Dynamics in Organizations class to help Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County.
Over the past semester, the students developed an organization to serve Habitat for Humanity. The class developed their mission statement, created a leadership structure, and designed roles for each of the 23 class members. They managed communication with their client and within their teams, and applied lessons from their class to inspire intrinsic motivation and goal attainment. One of the goals is to raise more than $2,000 for Habitat for Humanity. Students have hosted bake sales, initiated “dorm storm” fundraising drives and negotiated with some local restaurants to donate a percent of a day’s proceeds to the cause. They will present a donation check on their last day of class, Tuesday, March 6 at 9:00 a.m. in Kirby Hall 117 on the Wake Forest campus.