Babcock SGA elects second-year officers for 2009-10
Joe Parry was recently elected as the 2009-10 Student Government Association president for the Wake Forest University Babcock School of Management. Justin Parker will serve as vice president, and Todd Tarrance will serve as treasurer.
Other second-year officers include: Timothy Starr, Career Management Center-Academic Affairs; Marty Wilson, external communications; Ashley Stafford, alumni relations; Tori Peterson, community relations; Traci Lee, athletics chair; and Alex Campbell and Ian Jankelowitz, social chairs.
“The quality of candidates was impressive this year and we would like to encourage all those who ran to continue to seek opportunities to serve this program as student leaders,” the SGA said in a statement.
“The outgoing SGA officers will be working over the coming weeks with newly-elected officers in order to transfer institutional knowledge and provide a smooth transition process. It has been a great year and we are confident that the leadership of the 2009-10 SGA Team will successfully lead Babcock through the upcoming challenges and opportunities.”
In his platform, Parry said though a steady hand and strong leadership are important ingredients, equally important is having a leader willing to listen and to quickly respond to student needs.
“While we all are knee deep in the internship hunt, it is reassuring to know that we have such a strong group of students for whom the sky is the limit. Being an active participant in this community and leveraging its resources is a big reason many of us put our careers on hold to return to school last Fall.”
“The level of desire to take on leadership roles or get involved to lend a helping hand permeates throughout our class … I was proud to serve as a First Year SGA representative this past year and work along with the second-year officers to accomplish their vision for Babcock.”
Parry said his goals involve building on this year’s successes, driving noticeable results for the student body and enhancing the bonds of community that have grown since the fall.
Parker’s platform promoted clubs becoming more involved in alumni outreach, bringing in additional speakers and industry panels, and the reinvigoration of the mentor program.
“One of the responsibilities of the vice president is to oversee all aspects of our club system. In the coming year, I believe we have the chance to leverage our club system to help facilitate the integration of students from the undergraduate business program and the MSA program. In fact, I would like to see our club system become the leader in integrating our new colleagues.”
“We have a great system in place, offering wide and diverse opportunities for our students but it can be improved. I would like our clubs to become more active in enhancing our overall learning experience at Babcock.”
The SGA is an elected student group formed to represent Babcock’s student body and acts as the primary connection between students, faculty and staff. The SGA is the students’ first point of contact for generating and sharing ideas as well as expressing and addressing concerns with the Babcock experience. SGA elections are held each spring for second-year officers while elections for first-year representatives are held in the fall.
We congratulate all of our newly elected officers and wish them great success in the next year!