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Master of Science in Management – Application Process

Rolling Admissions Process

Applications to the Masters in Management program are reviewed on a rolling basis. Admissions decisions are made on complete files only. Once an application is complete, an applicant will receive a decision in approximately three to four weeks through the online application system. To begin the process, we recommend verifying your program eligibility before accessing the online application. Candidates applying to the Masters in Management program should follow the application instructions and requirements shown below.

Application Deadlines for Summer 2025 Enrollment:

Domestic Applicants (1)
Application Available
Aug. 1
Early App Deadline (nonbinding)
Nov. 1
Final Application Deadline
June 1
Enrollment Begins (2)
July 2025
  1. Includes U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents.
  2. If applicable, online pre-requisite courses begin in June.
International Applicants
Application Available
Aug. 1
Early App Deadline (nonbinding)
Nov. 1
International Leaders Program Deadline
May 1
Final App Deadline
May 1
Enrollment Begins (1)
July 2025
  1. If applicable, online pre-requisite courses begin in June.

NO SEPARATE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION REQUIRED. Qualified applications submitted earlier receive admission and scholarship award priority.

Program Eligibility

The Masters in Management program is designed to develop strong foundational business skills in students whose background does not include significant business education or experience.

If your undergraduate major is Business, or if your work experience is of a type and duration that you already possess the knowledge and skills taught in the Masters in Management program, you would not be eligible. Typically we find that students with two years of full-time work experience or less are an ideal fit for the program. If you have more than two years of full-time work experience and would like to determine your eligibility, please schedule an admissions consult and we would be happy to review your background.

Please review the program eligibility standards below to verify that you meet the minimum qualifications prior to starting your application. Wake Forest does not refund the application fee for a submitted application, regardless of whether a candidate meets the program eligibility.

We encourage all students to schedule an admissions consultation in order to speak one-on-one with an admissions counselor about the application process and ask individual program eligibility questions.

Eligibility criteria for MSM enrollment:

  1. Earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university prior to program start.
  2. All majors except Business will be considered. Business minors may apply.
  3. Ideally have no more than two years of full-time work experience. Students with more than two years work experience are welcome to schedule an admissions consult and will be considered on a case by case basis. If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact Alex Peoples at
  4. NOTE: Applicants who have been enrolled in an academic program as a full-time student since college graduation are eligible to apply.

Application Requirements

(for a complete application file)

An online application is required for all applicants. To submit the application, a $100 non-refundable application fee payable by credit card is required. The resume and unofficial transcript are part of the online application.

As part of your application, you are required to respond to questions in the Legal Disclosure section of the application. All applicants are encouraged to be forthcoming when disclosing this information. If required, candidates may be asked to provide additional information to complete a background check.

Required: A requirement of the online application includes a written assessment comprised of three short-answer questions designed to share experiences and collect additional information. All applicants are required to complete the assessment. As a guide, responses to the questions should be limited to one paragraph (approx. 250 words max.)

Optional: Applicants may use the optional short-answer question on the online application to discuss anomalies that exist in their application/transcript or address aspects that may be concerning to the Admissions Committee. This question is optional and not required.

A one-page resume is required. A sample format is available for download by clicking the Resume Template.

Unless otherwise directed, all applicants must take either the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). Applicants can determine which test is better suited for them individually. Scores are valid for five years post exam date. If your score is expiring, you must submit your application prior to expiration.

Students with a GPA of 3.2 or better and at least two grades of B or better in quantitative or other rigorous coursework, from a U.S.-based college/university are eligible for a GRE/GMAT test waiver.

GRE test registration information is available at Use the Wake Forest MS in Management institution code 4249.

GMAT test registration information is available at Use the WFU School of Business – MS in Management institution code R5F-NS-64.

If you are interested in GMAT or GRE test prep sessions, please visit our Events Calendar to view our upcoming no-charge virtual prep trainings.

Applicants whose native language is not English and/or whose principal language of university instruction was not English must submit scores from either the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The TOEFL Essentials exam is also accepted. Exception: applicants who have completed their undergraduate work at an English-speaking college or university are not required to take the TOEFL or IELTS.

The Admissions Committee recommends a minimum TOEFL score of a 105 (IBT) or an official IELTS score of 7.5. However, score minimums are guidelines for admission. All official test scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee and considered in the decision-making process. TOEFL and IELTS scores are valid for two years post exam date. If your score is expiring, you must submit your application prior to expiration. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to waive the TOEFL/IELTS exam for international applicants who have resided and worked in the United States for an extended period of time.

Information and test registration for the TOEFL is available at Use the Wake Forest School of Business institution code B818. Information and test registration for the IELTS is available at An institutional code is NOT required for IELTS.

The names and contact information for two references are required as part of the online application. However, online letters of recommendation are NOT required and, if submitted, will NOT be used during the application review process. At their discretion, the Admissions Committee may contact your references directly. Please do not submit additional references, as they will not strengthen your application.

Unofficial transcripts will be accepted for the application review process and may be uploaded as a part of your online application. We require transcripts of all academic work completed (or currently in progress) at the baccalaureate/undergraduate and graduate level. Associate degree transcripts are not required.

Official final transcripts will be required following enrollment (or can be sent prior to), which include the name of the degree awarded and the date the degree was conferred. If you have not graduated, please wait to order an official copy of your transcript until after graduation. To request your transcript, you may use the Transcript Request Form we have provided or use the form provided by your specific college.

  • Electronic transcripts (e-Transcript/certified document) should be sent directly to
  • Paper transcripts should be mailed directly from your university in an official, sealed envelope to one of the following addresses:
    Regular MailExpress DeliveryWake Forest University School of Business
    P.O. Box 7897
    Suite 115
    Winston-Salem, NC 27109Wake Forest University School of Business
    1834 Wake Forest Road
    Farrell Hall – Suite 115
    Winston-Salem, NC 27106

International Applicants: Your final transcript(s) must be written in English and include the degree awarded and the date the degree was conferred. If not listed on your transcript, you must submit your diploma or degree certificate indicating the degree and date of confirmation. If the transcript is not in English, an official transcript evaluation must be submitted using World Education Services ( or International Education Evaluations ( Applicants using IEE should use their portal for Wake Forest University. Applicants from Chinese institutions can request and submit official transcripts directly through CHESICC, which will be sent directly to our admissions office. Click here to get started.

All interviews for the MS in Management program are by invitation only, after a candidate has submitted the application. For candidates invited to interview, both a Zoom video call or an on-campus interview will be available. On-campus interviews include the opportunity to attend class, have lunch with a current student and tour Farrell Hall.

Receipt of Transcripts & Scores

To check the status of received official transcript(s), GRE/GMAT score(s) and TOEFL/IELTS score(s), please login to your Applicant Portal and choose your application to view a summary of your application status and requirements. Enter the same username and password that you used to create your online application.

Our office processes a large volume of application components daily, so check back often for new updates as this is the best method to check the receipt of your supplemental materials. Once materials are received by our office, it can take up to ten business days to update your Applicant Portal. If it has been more than ten days and your Applicant Portal is not properly updated, please contact the Center for Enrollment Management.

When mailing official transcripts, it is suggested that you use FedEx or another type of service that provides you with package tracking capability.

Reapplication Policy

If you completed the online application for Summer 2024, you may reapply for the subsequent year. Please verify your program eligibility before beginning the application process. As a reapplicant, you will complete an abbreviated application process; any transcripts or official scores that were previously submitted to the Enrollment Management Center will be automatically transferred to your new application file. When you complete the online application, please answer yes to the question “Are you reapplying for enrollment?” on the Additional Information tab, indicating your intent to reapply. If you previously applied to the School of Business, we maintain official transcripts and official scores for up to three years. You are welcome to contact our office to inquire about previously submitted materials.

International Applicants

If you are applying as an international candidate, please review the following tips and guidelines for an efficient application process:

  • Use the same email address and first name throughout the entire application process.
  • Ensure that your name is spelled out completely in English on your application and transcript.
  • Include your full application name (that matches your passport) in any correspondence with the university.
  • Do not send any materials which are not requested by the Enrollment Management Center.

Deposit Deadlines

All candidates receive an admission decision within three to four weeks of submission, provided the application is complete. Deposit due dates vary by admit date. Please refer to the chart below:

Admit Date

Deposit Due Date

MSM Deposit*

Before Jan. 31

4 weeks after admission


Feb. 1 – March 31

3 weeks after admission


April 1 – May 31

2 weeks after admission


June 1 or later

1 week after admission


Exception: Inclusion Excellence Scholarship recipients will have ten business days after admission to pay their deposit.

Deposit Amounts

The $1,500 Enrollment Deposit can be paid in total upon acceptance of admission offer or in two payments according to the chart below:



Due Date*

1st payment


upon offer acceptance

2nd payment


March 15 (international)

May 1 (domestic)

*IMPORTANT NOTES: If an offer is accepted after the 2nd payment deadline, then the entire deposit of $1,500 is due immediately. Students may choose to pay the entire fee at any time prior to the deadline. Please note that the entire enrollment deposit will be applied to first semester tuition upon matriculation. An additional processing fee is assessed if paying via credit card. Enrollment deposit payments are non-refundable.

Deposit Extension

In certain cases, the Admissions Committee will grant an extension to the deposit deadline. All extension requests must be reviewed by the Admissions Committee.

For International Students

All International students who have paid their enrollment deposit should anticipate an email to be delivered to your new Wake Forest email address (once activated) sent from the Wake Forest International Students and Scholars team (ISS). This email will contain detailed instructions on the requirements and forms (including Certification of Finances) that you must complete to receive your I-20 documentation that you will need to obtain your F-1 student visa. Students already in the US that need to transfer their I-20 from their current university will also receive instructions from ISS to complete that process.