Meet Your MSBA Contacts

If you have any questions regarding the enrollment process, student life, faculty, curriculum or career resources, please contact the MS in Business Analytics  team. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Scott ShaferDr. Scott Shafer

Associate Dean for the Master of Science in Business Analytics program, Professor of Management
336-758-3687 | email




Eric HaddletonEric Haddleton
Assistant Director, Enrollment Management Recruiting
336-936-5695 | email
WeChat: WakeForestMSBA




WFU School of Business headshotsCherie Fu
Associate Director, MSBA Integrative Student Services
336-758-5761 | email




WFU School of Business headshotsSharron Vogler
Director, Market Readiness & Employment
336-758-2418 | email




Lynn EbertLynn Ebert
Administrative Assistant, MSBA Program
336-758-5412 | email