Faculty & Staff Directory

Picture of Dr. Rob Nash

Dr. Rob Nash

Thomas K. Hearn, Jr. Professor in Finance; Research Affiliate & Advisor, Center for the Study of Capitalism

Rob has been teaching at Wake Forest since 1997. He has published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, among other top journals. Dr. Nash has taught at executive development programs such as the School of Banking and the Savings and Loan School at the University of Georgia. He also has worked as a consultant and auditor for a major national accounting firm.

  • Ph D, University of Georgia (Finance) - 1994
  • MBA, University of South Carolina (Finance) - 1987
  • BS, The Citadel (Business Administration) - 1985

Research Interests

  • Privatization
  • Contracting
  • International Financial Markets

Teaching Interests

  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Institutions & Markets

  • Nash, R. C., El Ghoul, S., Guedhami, O.,  Chen, R. (Forthcoming). State Control and Cash Holdings in Newly-Privatized Firms. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
  • Bryan, S., Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (Forthcoming). Culture Matters (But Whose Culture Matters More?) Evidence From Intra-Firm Changes in CEO. Journal of Financial Management.
  • Bryan, S., Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2022). The Executive Mix in Executive Compensation: An Investigation of Cross-Country Differences. Journal of Insurance and Financial Management, 6 (4),  41-78.
  • El Ghoul, S., Guedhami, O., Nash, R. C.,  Chen, R. (2021). International Evidence on State Ownership and Trade Credit: Opportunities and Motivations. Journal of International Business Studies, 52,  pp. 1121-1158.
  • El Ghoul, S., Guedhami, O., Nash, R. C., Chen, R.,  Boubakri, N. (2020). State Ownership and Stock Liquidity: Evidence From Privatization. Journal of Corporate Finance,  1-28.
  • Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2019). Instrumental Variables Analysis and the Role of National Culture in Corporate Finance. Financial Management, Summer 2019,  385-416.
  • Nash, R. C., Patel, A., El Ghoul, S.,  Guedhami, O. (2019). New Evidence on the Role of Media in Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 154 (4),  1051-1079.
  • Nash, R. C.,  D'Souza, J. (2017). Private Benefits of Public Control: Evidence of Political and Economic Benefits of State Ownership. Journal of Corporate Finance, 46 (October),  232-247.
  • Nash, R. C.,  , . (2017). Contracting Issues at the Intersection of the Public and Private Sectors: New Data and New Insights. Journal of Corporate Finance, 42 (1),  357-366.
  • Nash, R. C., D'Souza, J., , .,  , . (2016). Private Benefits of State Ownership: The Role of Media and National Culture. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 16 (4),  97-125.
  • Bryan, S., Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2015). The Effect of Cultural Distance on Contracting Decisions: The Case of Executive Compensation. Journal of Corporate Finance, 33,  180-195.
  • Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2013). The Impact of National Culture on Corporate Financial Decisions. Wake Forest Law Review, 48 (3),  697-720.
  • Nash, R. C., D'Souza, J.,  Megginson, W. (2013). An Empirical Analysis of Cross-Listing Decisions in Share-Issue Privatizations: Evidence From Developed and Developing Countries.  Mario Levis and Silvio Vismara (Ed.), Handbook of Research on IPOs (pp. 721-750). London: Edward Elgar.
  • Bryan, S., Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2011). Law and Executive Compensation: A Cross-Country Study. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 1 (23),  84-91.
  • Bryan, S. H., Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2010). How Legal System Affects the Equity Mix in Executive Compensation. Financial Management,  393-418.
  • D'Souza, J., Megginson, W.,  Nash, R. C. (2007). The Effects of Changes in Corporate Governance and Restructurings on Operating Performance: Evidence from Privatizations. Global Finance Journal,  157-184.
  • Bryan, S. H., Nash, R. C.,  Patel, A. (2006). Can the Agency Costs of Debt and Equity Explain the Changes in Executive Compensation During the 1990s? The Journal of Corporate Finance,  516-535.
  • D'Souza, J., Megginson, W.,  Nash, R. C. (2005). Effect of Institutional and Firm-Specific Characteristics on Post-Privatization Performance: Evidence from Developed Countries. The Journal of Corporate Finance,  747-766.
  • Boehmer, E., Nash, R. C.,  Netter, J. (2005). Bank Privatization In Developing and Developed Countries: Cross-Sectional Evidence on the Impact of Economic and Political Factors. Journal of Banking and Finance,  1981-2013.
  • Megginson, W., Nash, R. C., Netter, J.,  Poulsen, A. (2004). The Choice of Private Versus Publc Capital Markets: Evidence from Privatizations. The Journal of Finance,  2835-2870.
  • Nash, R. C., Netter, J.,  Poulsen, A. (2003). Determinants of Contractual Relations Between Shareholders and Bondholders. The Journal of Corporate Finance,  201-232.  | more information
  • Nash, R. C., , W. M.,  Van Randenborgh, M. (2001). The Financial and Operating Performance of Newly Privatized Firms: An International Empirical Analysis. Privatisation and Corporate Performance, The Journal of Finance,  397-446.  | more information
  • Nash, R. C., Megginson, W.,  Schwartz, A. (2000). The Long-Term Return to Investors in Share-Issue Privatizations. Financial Management, 29,  67-77.
  • Nash, R. C., Jones, S., Netter, J.,  Megginson, W. (1999). Share-Issue Privatizations as Financial Means to Political and Economic Ends. Journal of Financial Economics, 53 (2),  217-254.  | more information
  • Nash, R. C.,  Sinkey, J. (1997). On Competition, Risk and Hidden Assets in the Market for Bank Credit Cards. Journal of Banking and Finance, 21,  89-112.
  • Nash, R. C., Megginson, W.,  Van Randenborgh, M. (1996). Does Privatization Work? Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,  23-34.
  • Nash, R. C., Megginson, W.,  Van Randenborgh, M. (1994). The Financial and Operating Performance of Newly Privatized Firms: An International Empirical Analysis. Journal of Finance,  403-452.
  • Nash, R. C.,  Sinkey, J. (1993). Assessing the Riskiness and Profitability of Credit-Card Banks. Journal of Financial Services Research,  127-150.

  • 2019 - Recognized for SSRN "Top 10% Downloads" - All-time , Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2019 - Recognized for SSRN "Top 10% Downloads" - During 2019, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2019 - Educator of the Year Award, School of Business (Winston-Salem Evening MBA program)
  • 2018 - Recognized for SSRN "Top 10% Downloads" - All-time , Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2018 - Recognized for SSRN "Top 10% Downloads" - Most recent year, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2018 - Best Paper Award, India Finance Conference - Indian Institute of Management (Calcutta)
  • 2018 - Best Paper Award, Frontiers of Business Research Conference
  • 2017 - Recognized for SSRN "Top 10% Downloads" - All-time , Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2017 - Recognized for SSRN "Top 10% Downloads" - Most recent year, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2017 - Thomas K. Hearn Jr. Professorship, Wake Forest University
  • 2016 - Papers recognized on "Top Ten Downloads" Lists, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2015 - Service MVP Award, School of Business
  • 2014 - Educator of the Year Award, School of Business (Winston-Salem Evening MBA program)
  • 2013 - Best Paper Award , India Finance Conference - Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad)
  • 2013 - Orr Fellowship in Finance, Glenn Orr & the Orr Group
  • 2013 - Paper recognized on "Top Ten Downloads" Lists, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2013 - Educator of the Year Award, School of Business (Winston-Salem Evening MBA program)
  • 2012 - Orr Fellowship in Finance, Glenn Orr & the Orr Group
  • 2012 - Paper recognized on "Top Ten Downloads" Lists, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2011 - Orr Fellowship in Finance, Glenn Orr & the Orr Group
  • 2011 - Most Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal Publisher & Journal Editor
  • 2010 - Orr Fellowship in Finance, Glenn Orr & the Orr Group
  • 2010 - Paper recognized on "Top Ten Downloads" Lists, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2009 - Orr Fellowship in Finance, Glenn Orr & the Orr Group
  • 2009 - Two of my papers on "Top Ten Downloads" Lists, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)
  • 2009 - Educator of the Year Award, Schools of Business (MA program)
  • 2007 - Educator of the Year Award, Babcock Graduate School
  • 2006 - Cowan Research Award, Babcock Graduate School

  • September 20, 2007 - "Area falls slightly on nest-egg index" , Winston-Salem Journal| more information
  • March 18, 2007 - "Taking top honors" , Daily Record
  • May 21, 2006 - "Deal runs counter to pay for performance" , Morning Call| more information
  • February 22, 2006 - "Wake Forest awards Medallions of Merit" , Triad Business Journall| more information