Faculty & Staff Directory

Dr. McMullen has worked as an industrial engineer, and his research has been published in IIE Transactions, Interfaces, the International Journal of Production Research and the European Journal of Operational Research, among others. Before joining the Babcock School, he held teaching positions at the University of Oregon, the University of Maine, Harvard University and Auburn University. I mainly teach MBA students Quantitative Methods and conduct research applied to production scheduling.

  • Certificate in Computer Programming, North Carolina State University (Computer Science) - 2010
  • Ph D, University of Oregon (Decision Sciences) - 1995
  • MBA, Butler University (Management) - 1991
  • BS, University of Louisville (Industrial Engineer) - 1987

Research Interests

  • Production Scheduling
  • Search Heuristics

Teaching Interests

  • Quantitative Methods
  • Operations Research
  • Managmement Science

  • McMullen, P. R. (Forthcoming). JIT Mixed-Model Sequencing with Batching and Setup Considerations via Search Heuristics. International Journal of Production Research.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (Forthcoming). Ant-Colony Optimization for the System Reliability Problem with Quantity Discounts. American Journal of Operations Research.
  • McMullen, P. R. (Forthcoming). JIT Mixed-Model Sequencing Rules: Is There a Best One? American Journal of Operations Research.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2023).Quantitative Methods for Business. Kindle Direct Publishing.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2023).Analytics for Graduate Business Students. Amazon Publishing.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2020). Social Distancing via Coulomb's Law. Applied Mathematics, 11,  532-535.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2020). An Agent-Based Approach to the Newsvendor Problem with Price-Dependent Demand. American Journal of Operations Research, 10,  101-110.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2019). A Markov Simulation Approach to Balancing Bike-Sharing Systems. American Journal of Operational Research, 9 (1),  12-17.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2019).Analytics for Liberal Arts Students. Kindle Direct Publishing.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2017). Standardization of Winning Streaks in Sports. Applied Mathematics, 8,  344-357.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2016).A Visual Approach to Statistics with R. Self-Published.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2016).Quantitative Methods for MBA Students. CreateSpace.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2016).Statistics for Undergraduate Business Students. CreateSpace.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2015). Using Baseball Data as a Gentle Introduction to Teaching Linear Regression. Creative Eduction, 6 (7),  1477-1483.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2013). A Genetic Algorithm for Multiple Inspections with Multiple Objectives. American Journal of Operations Research, 3 (6),  463-473.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2011). Limited Re-sequencing for Mixed Models with Multiple Objectives. American Journal of Operations Research, 1 (4),  220-228.  | more information
  • Meredith, J. R.,  McMullen, P. R. (2010). Editorial:State of the Journal:February, 2010. Operations Management Research, 3 (1),  1-6.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Shafer, S. M. (2008). Beyond Central Tendency: Helping Students Understand the. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 6 (2),  515-519.  | more information
  • Meredith, J. R.,  McMullen, P. R. (2008). Editorial: Introducing Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice through Theory. Operations Management Research, 1 (1),  1-5.
  • Clayton, H.,  McMullen, P. R. (2007). Combining Approaches to Evaluating Auditing Populations: A Simulation Study. European Journal of Operational Research, 178,  907-917.
  • Albritton, M. D.,  McMullen, P. R. (2007). Designing Optimal Products Using a Colony of Virtual Ants. European Journal of Operational Research, 176,  498-520.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2006). An Objective Function to Address Production Sequencing with Minimal Tooling Replacements. International Journal of Production Research, 44 (12),  2465-2478.  | more information
  • Albritton, M. D.,  McMullen, P. R. (2006). Classroom Integration of Statistics and Management Science via Forecasting. Decision Sciences of Innovative Education, 4 (2),  331-336.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Tarasewich, P. (2006). Multi-objective assembly line balancing via a modified ant-colony optimization technique. International Journal of Production Research, 44 (27-42)
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Tarasewich, P. (2005). A Beam Search Heuristic Method for Mixed-Model Scheduling with Setups. International Journal of Production Research, 96,  273-283.
  • Bell, J.,  McMullen, P. R. (2004). Ant Colony Optimization Techniques For The Vehicle Routing Problem. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 18,  41-48.
  • Rutherford, M. W., Buller, P.,  McMullen, P. R. (2004). Human Resource Management Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Family Firms. Human Resources Management, 42 (4),  321-336.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2004). Using Correlation Matrices and Optimization to Add Practical Functionality to Spreadsheet Simulation for MBA-Level Quantitative Analysis Courses. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 3 (1),  161-168.
  • McMullen, P. R., Albritton, D.,  Gardiner, L. (2003). "OR/MS Content and Visibility in AACSB-Accredited U.S. Business Programs.". Inerfaces, 33 (5),  83-89.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2003). "Sequencing for Minimal Tooling Replacements via a Variety of Objective Functions.". International Journal of Production Research, 41 (10),  2183-2199.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Tarasewich, P. (2003). "Using Ant Techniques to Solve the Assembly Line Balancing Problem.". IIE Transactions: Design and manufacturing, 35 (7),  605-617.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Tarasewich, P. (2002). "Swarm Intelligence: Power in Numbers.". Communications of the ACM, 45 (8),  62-67.
  • McMullen, P. R., Mbarika, V.,  Byrd, T. (2002). "Teledensity Growth Constraints adn Strategies for Africa's LDCs: 'Viagra" Prescriptions or Sustainable Development Strategy.". Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 5,  25-42.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2002). "The Permutation Flow Shop Problem witih Just in Time Production Considerations.". Production Planning and Control, 13,  307-316.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R., Rutherford, M.,  Oswald, S. (2002). Examining the Issue of Size and the Small Business: A Self-Organizing Map Approach.". Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 7,  64-81.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2001). "A Kohonen Self-Organizing Map Approach to Addressing a Multiple Objective, Mixed-Model JIT Sequencing Problem.". International Journal of Production Economics, 72 (1),  59-71.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Tarasewich, P. (2001). "A Pruning Heuristic for Use with Multisource Product Design.". European Journal of Operational Research, 128,  58-73.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2001). "An Ant Colony Optimization Approach Addressing a JIT Sequencing Probem with Multiple Objectives.". Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 15,  309-317.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2001). "An Efficient Frontier Approach to Addressing JIT Sequencing Problems with Setups via Search Heuristics.". Computers and Industrial Engineeering, 41,  335-353.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (2001). "Investments in Telecommunications Infrastructure Are Not the Panacea for Least Developed Countries Leapfrogging Growth of Teledensity.". International Journal for Media Management, 2 (3,4),  133-142.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Frazier, G. V. (2000). "A Simulated Annealing Approach to Mixed-Model Sequencing with Multiple Objectives on a JIT Line.". IIE Transactions: Scheduling and Logistics, 32 (8),  679-686.
  • McMullen, P. R. (2000). "Assembly Line Design: Basic Concepts. Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management.Paul Swamidass, editor.Kluwer Academic Publishers,  46-50.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Powers, J. (2000). "Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Select Efficient Large Market Cap Securities.". The Journal of Business and Management, 7 (2),  31-42.
  • McMullen, P. R., Tarasewich, P.,  Frazier, G. V. (2000). "Using Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Multi-Product JIT Sequencing Problem with Setups.". International Journal of Production Research, 38 (12),  2653-2670.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Strong, R. A. (1999). "Determination of Lockbox Collection Points via Simulated Annealing.". Journal of the Operational Research Society, 50 (1),  44-51.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Tarasewich, P. (1999). "Selection of Notebook Computers Using Data Envelopment Analysis.". The Southern Business and Economic Journal, 23 (3),  200-214.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Strong, R. A. (1998). "Selection of Mutual Funds Using Data Envelopment Analysis.". Journal of Business and Economics Studies, 4 (1),  1-12.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Frazier, G. V. (1998). "Using Simulated Annealing to Solve a Multiobjective Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Parallel Work Stations.". International Journal of Production Research, 36 (10),  2717-2741.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Frazier, G. V. (1998). "Using Simulation adn Data Envelopment Analysis to Compare Assembly Line Balancing Solutions.". Journal of Productivity Analysis, 11 (2),  149-168.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (1998). JIT Sequencing for Mixed-Model Assembly Lines with Setups Using Tabu Search.". Production Planning and Control, 9 (5),  504-510.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Frazier, G. V. (1997). "A Heuristic for Solving Mixed-Model Line Balancing Problems with Stochastic Task Durations and Parallel Stations.". International Journal of Production Economics, 51 (3),  177-190.
  • McMullen, P. R. (1997). "Assessment of MBA Programs Using Data Envelopment Analysis.". Journal of Business and Management.Press Release, 5 (1),  77-91.
  • McMullen, P. R.,  Meredith, J. R. (). Editorial:Passing on the Torch of Operations Management Research. Springer, 4 (3/4),  87-88.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (). A Search Heuristic to for Multidimensional Scaling. American Journal of Operations Research, 12,  179-193.  | more information
  • McMullen, P. R. (). Limited Re-Sequencing for Mixed-Models with Multiple Objectives, Part II: A Permutation Approach. American Journal of Operations Research, 2 (1)  | more information

  • 2014 - Outstanding Educator Award, Wake Forest University / School of Businesss
  • 2014 - Faculty Recognition Award, Vanguard Group
  • 2011 - Faculty Appreciation Award, Wake Forest University
  • 2010 - Recognition from Decision Sciences Institute, Decision Sciences Institute
  • 2007 - Faculty Appreciation Award, Wake Forest University
  • 2006 - Cowan Research Prize, Wake Forest University
  • 2003 - Pearson Family Award, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute
  • 2002 - Alumni Teaching Award Nomination, Auburn University
  • 2002 - Outstanding Research Award, Auburn University
  • 1998 - Outstanding Paper Award, Northeast Busines and Economics Association
  • 1994 - Graduate Teaching Fellow of the Year Nomination, University of Oregon
  • 1993 - Graduate Teaching Fellow of the Year, University of Oregon, College of Business

  • September 28, 2008 - Oaths , Winston-Salem Journal
  • September 28, 2007 - "Cultural taboos: On global playing field, strategy starts with avoiding offense," , Triad Business Journal
  • February 22, 2006 - "Wake Forest awards Medallions of Merit." , Triad Business News.
  • September 9, 2004 - "Unique art exhibit opens at Worrell Center." , Chronicle