Dr. Michelle Steward
Hendley-Lightcap Faculty Fellow in Free Enterprise & Entrepreneurship; Associate Professor
Michelle's research interests center on issues of how marketing can drive superior performance. Michelle's research has been published in journals such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Business Horizons and Marketing Management Journal.
Michelle has received both the Faculty Scholarship Award and the T.B. Rose Fellowship in Business for Instructional Innovation at Wake Forest University's School of Business, and has been internationally recognized with her co-authors as the winners of the S. Tamer Cavusgil Award for the "most significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of international marketing management."
In addition to teaching in the United States, Michelle has lived abroad and worked for the Ministry of Education in the Republic of South Korea.
Michelle is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Marketing Education.
- 2021 - T.B. Rose Fellowship in Business for Instructional Innovation
- 2021 - Wake Forest University School of Business Spirit Award
- 2019 - Wake Forest University School of Business Spirit Award
- 2017 - High Impact Scholarship Award, School of Business
- 2014 - Wake Forest University Meaningful Mentoring
- 2014 - Wake Forest University School of Business Spirit Award
- 2013 - Reviewer of the Year, Journal of Marketing Education
- 2011 - S. Tamer Cavusgil Award, American Marketing Association
- 2009 - The Faculty Scholarship Award, Calloway School of Business
- 2009 - T.B. Rose Fellowship in Business for Instructional Innovation, Calloway School of Business
- 2003 - Doctoral Student Teaching Excellence Award
- 2002 - Doctoral Student Teaching Excellence Award
- August 8, 2019 - Pizza Franchise Plans First Slice in City , The High Point Enterprise| more information
- September 1, 2018 - Investigating Negative Supplier Reviews (with Narus and Roehm) , ISM's INSIDE Supply Management
- January 1, 2018 - A New Take on Customer Reviews (with Narus and Roehm) , ISM's INSIDE Supply Management
- September 6, 2017 - Cool Credit Cards: Best Terms, Designs & Trends , WalletHub| more information
- September 5, 2017 - International Differences in Procurement's Use of Digital Purchasing Tools with Jim Narus , Talk Radio with Kelly Barner| more information
- June 26, 2017 - Ask The Experts: Celebrating Independence The Right Way , WalletHub| more information
- July 8, 2016 - The Analytical Experience of Reconciling Positive and Negative Supplier Reviews with Jim Narus , Talk Radio| more information
- January 13, 2016 - Incorporating Online Supplier Reviews and Evaluations in Procurement , Blog Talk Radio| more information
- January 13, 2016 - Incorporating Online Supplier Reviews and Evaluations in Procurement with Jim Narus , Talk Radio| more information
- January 13, 2016 - Incorporating Online Supplier Reviews and Evaluations in Procurement with Jim Narus , Talk Radio| more information
- December 1, 2015 - The Influence of the Digital Environment on Decision-making in Procurement, Narus and Steward , Blog Talk Radio| more information
- December 1, 2015 - The Influence of the Digital Environment on Decision-making in Procurement with Jim Narus , Talk Radio| more information
- January 1, 2015 - Pink Tax| more information
- January 1, 2011 - Keys to Success| more information
- January 1, 2009 - Marketing and Finance Contest| more information
- January 1, 2009 - Persuasion Beats Advertising| more information
- Customer feedback
- Customer surveys
- Superior firm performance
- I teach in both our undergraduate program and our Master of Science in Management (MSM) program. In addition, I am a Faculty Affiliate of our Center for the Study of Capitalism which helps our students better understand the market economy.
- Ph D, Arizona State University (Marketing) - 2004
- MBA, University of West Florida- 1993
- BA, University of West Florida (Cultural Anthropology) - 1991
Marketing Management Journal
Marketing Management Journal
Journal of General Management
Journal of General Management
Industrial Marketing Management
Industrial Marketing Management
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Asian Management Insights
Asian Management Insights
Industrial Marketing Management
Industrial Marketing Management
Business Horizons
Business Horizons
Business Horizons
Business Horizons
Marketing Management Journal
Marketing Management Journal
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review
Operations Management Research
Operations Management Research
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice
Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Marketing Education
Marketing Management Journal
Marketing Management Journal
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Business Horizons
Business Horizons
Marketing Management Journal
Marketing Management Journal