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Picture of Dr. Julie Wayne

Dr. Julie Wayne

David C. Darnell Presidential Chair in Principled Leadership; Professor

Julie Holliday Wayne earned her PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the University of Georgia in 1998. Since then, she has been a faculty member at Wake Forest University and is currently an Associate Professor in the Schools of Business. In her research, she studies issues related to challenges created by changing demographics and roles of men and women in society. She has published research on sexual harassment, the work-family interface, and workgroup diversity in numerous journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and Human Resource Management. In her work, she focuses on positive aspects of individual and organizational functioning. For example, rather than a focus on conflict, she studies how work and family can benefit one another and factors that promote work-family balance. She also seeks to understand biases against underrepresented groups or understudied topics in organizations (such as perceptions of men using family leave and same-sex sexual harassment). She has earned numerous awards for her teaching and research including being a finalist for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for the "best of the best" in work-family research. She has consulted within the federal government and the insurance, financial services, telecommunications, quick service restaurant, and shipping industries and has designed performance appraisal and validated selection systems, developed employee attitude surveys and feedback, facilitated focus groups on work-life balance and conducted workshops on personality and teamwork, among others. She has taught courses in management, organizational behavior, human resource management, statistics, and contemporary organizational issues such as work-life balance.

Work-family interface, sexual harassment, work group diversity

  • Ph D, The University of Georgia (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) - 1998
  • BA, Furman University (Psychology) - 1993

Research Interests

  • Work-family interface, sexual harassment, work group diversity

Teaching Interests

  • Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Work-Family

  • Matthews, R., Winkel, D.,  Wayne, J. (Forthcoming). Boundary theory: Modeling longitudinal effects of role overload, inter-domain transitions, and work-family conflict. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • Casper, W., DeHauw, S.,  Wayne, J. (Forthcoming). "Concepts and measures in work-life integration research." .  (Ed.),  "Handbook of work-life integration of professionals: Challenges and opportunities"; Edward Elger, UK.  :  Edward Elger.
  • Casper, W. J.,  Wayne, J. (Forthcoming). Do Surface-and Deep-level Differences Influence Organizational Choice?An Examination of Applicant Preferences for Work-Family, Diversity, Employee Development, and Compensation Policies. Human Resource Management.
  • Michel, J., Wayne, J.,  Matthews, R. (Forthcoming). Dynamic relations among work-family conflict, enrichment, balance and role satisfaction and performance: Longitudinal tests of competing mod. Journal of applied psychology.
  • Wayne, J., Casper, W. J., Greenhaus, J., Lapierre, L.,  Vaziri, H. (Forthcoming). Meta-analytic review of Work-family balance and its antecedents, consequences, and processes. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • Matthews, R. A., Wayne, J.,  McKersie, S. (Forthcoming). Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Work and Family: Avoiding Stagnation via Effective Theory Borrowing. .  (Ed.),  Oxford Handbook of Work and Family  : Oxford.
  • Wayne, J., Michel, J.,  Matthews, R. A. (Forthcoming). Is it who you are that counts? The importance of personality and values to the work-family experience. Tammy Allen and Lillian Eby (Ed.),  In Allen T. & Eby, L. "The Oxford Handbook of Work and Family"  : Oxford.
  • Wayne, J., Matthews, R., Lance, C., Griggs, T.,  Pattie, M. (2021). A Theory of Stability and Change of Work-Family Conflict: A multi-study, longitudinal investigation. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology
  • Wayne, J., Vaziri, H.,  Casper, W. (2021). Work-nonwork balance: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Vocational Behavior
  • Vaziri, H., Casper, W., Wayne, J.,  Matthews, R. (2020). Changes to the Work-Family Interface during the COVID19 Pandemic: Examining predictors and implications using latent transition analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105 (10)
  • Wayne, J. (2020). Resource ripple effects of employer-provided family support?: Transmission of social support in dual-earner couples. Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Min, H., Matthews, R., Wayne, J., Parsons, R.,  Barnes-Farrell, J. (2019). Psychometric Evaluation of Work-Family Conflict Measures Using Classic Test and Item Response Theories. 
  • Wayne, J., Odle-Dusseau, h., Matthews, R.,  Casper, W. J. (2019). To thine self be true: Work-family authenticity. Journal of Vocational Behavior
  • Wayne, J. (2019). Critical Incidents of Financial Hardship and Worker Health: A Retroactive Recall Study. 
  • Casper, W. J., DeHauw, S., Wayne, J.,  Greenhaus, J. (2018). The Jingle-Jangle of Work-Nonwork Balance: A Comprehensive and Meta-Analytic Review of Its Meaning and Measurement. Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Wayne, J., Odle-Dusseau, H.,  Matthews, R. A. (2018). The effects of financial strain on health: Work-family conflict and stress as mechanisms. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
  • Wayne, J., Butts, M., Casper, W. J.,  Allen, T. (2017). In search of balance: A conceptual and empirical integration of multiple meanings of work-family balance.. Personnel Psychology
  • Wayne, J. (2016). Why Having a Family-Supportive Culture, Not Just Policies, Matters to Male and Female Job Seekers: An Examination of Work-Family Conflict, Values, and Self-Interest.. Sex Roles
  • Caza, A., Brower, H.,  Wayne, J. (2015). Walking the talk: An empirical look at the effects of a holistic, experiential business curriculum on student outcomes. The International Journal of Management Education
  • Caza, A., Brower, H.,  Wayne, J. (2015). Effects of a holistic, experiential curriculum on business students' satisfaction and career confidence. International Journal of Management Education, 13 (1),  75-83.
  • Matthews, R., Wayne, J.,  Ford, M. (2014). A work-family conflict-subjective well-being process model: A test of competing theories of longitudinal effects.. Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Wayne, J., Casper, W. J., Allen, T. D.,  Matthews, R. (2013). Employee Family-Supportive Organization Perceptions and Organizational Commitment: The mediating role of partner attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Grzywacz, J. G., Carlson, D. C., Kacmar, M.,  Wayne, J. (2013). A multi-level perspective on the synergies between work and family. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology  | more information
  • Wayne, J. (2012). An integrative look at positive and negative nonwork relational exchanges: Similarities, differences, and future directions.  Eby and Allen (Ed.), In SIOP Frontiers series' "Personal relationships: The effect of supervisory, coworker, team, customer, and nonwork relationships on employee attitudes, behavior, and well-being" (Eby & Allen, Editors : Sage.
  • Wayne, J.,  Casper, W. J. (2012). Why does firm reputation in Human Resource policies influence college students? The mechanisms underlying job pursuit intentions. Human Resource Management
  • Casper, W. J., Harris, C., Taylor-Bianco, A.,  Wayne, J. (2011). Work--family conflict, perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment among Brazilian professionals. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79 (3),  640-652.
  • Wayne, J.,  , H. K. (2009). Reducing Conceptual Confusion: Clarifying the Positive Side of Work and Family.  Crane and Hill (Ed.), Handbook of Families and Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (pp. 105-140). : University Press of America.
  • Carlson, D. S., Wayne, J.,  , H. K. (2009). When Employees Must Choose between Work and Family: Application of Conservation of Resources Theory .  Crane and Hill (Ed.), Handbook of Families and Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (pp. 195-218). : University Press of America.
  • Riordan, C. M.,  Wayne, J. (2007). A review and examination of demographic similarity measures to assess relational demography within groups. Organizational Research Methods.. Organizational Research Methods,  31.  | more information
  • Riordan, C. M., Lankau, M.,  Wayne, J. (2007). The hostile work environment.   (Ed.), Diversity Resistance: Manifestations and solutions : Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Grzywacz, J. G., Carlson, D. S., Kacmar, M.,  Wayne, J. (2007). Work-family facilitation: A multilevel perspective on the synergies between work and family. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80,  559-574.
  • Wayne, J., Grzywacz, J. G., Carlson, D. S.,  Kacmar, M. (2007). Work-family facilitation: A theoretical explanation and model of antecedents and consequences.. , 17,  63-76.
  • Carlson, D. S., Kacmar, M., Wayne, J.,  Grzywacz, J. G. (2006). Measuring the positive side of the work-family interface: Development and validation of a work-family enrichment scale. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68,  131-164.
  • Wayne, J., Randel, A. E.,  Stevens, J. (2006). The role of identity and work-family support in work-family enrichment and its work-related consequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69,  445-461.
  • Wayne, J., Musisca, N.,  Fleeson, W. W. (2004). Considering the role of personality in the work-family experience: Relationships of the big five to work-family conflict and facilitation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64 (1),  108--130.
  • Wayne, J., Musisca, N.,  Fleeson, W. (2004). Considering the role of personality in the work-family experience: Relationships of the Big Five to work-family conflict and facilitation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64,  108-130.
  • Wayne, J.,  Cordeiro, B. (2003). Who is a good organizational citizen? Perceptions of male and female employees using family leave. Sex Roles, 49,  233-246..
  • Wayne, J., Riordan, C. M.,  Thomas, K. M. (2001). Is all sexual harassment viewed the same: Mock juror's perceptions of same- and cross-gender harassment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86,  179-187.
  • Wayne, J., Dean, K., Mack, D.,  Thomas, K. (2000). An examination of happiness, racism, and demographics on judgments of guilt. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30,  816-832.
  • Wayne, J. (2000). Disentangling the power bases of sexual harassment: Comparing gender, age, and position power. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57,  301-325.
  • Wayne, J.,  Casper, W. J. (). Understanding sex differences in job seeker preferences for family friendly policy and culture: Tests of values, person-organization fit, and self-interests. Human Resource Management

  • 2019 - top 3 best paper finalist, Personnel Psychology
  • 2019 - Finalist for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for the "best of the best of work-family research", Center for Families at Purdue University and Boston College Center for Work & Family
  • 2019 - SIOP Fellow, SIOP
  • 2018 - Top 50 Overall Contributor to Work and Family Research, Work-Family Researchers Network
  • 2015 - Cowan Research Award
  • 2014 - Cowan Faculty Research Award 2014
  • 2013 - High Impact Research Award, WFU School of Business
  • 2012 - T. B. Rose Teaching Fellowship
  • 2010 - MA Innovation Award, Wake Forest University Schools of Business

  • January 1, 2017 - , TedX Furman| more information
  • January 1, 2017 - "Six things to help you in balancing work and life" January 8, 2017http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/01/08/six-things-to-help-in-balancing-work-and-life-in-2017.html , FoxNews.com| more information
  • January 1, 2016 -| more information
  • January 1, 2016 - , WFU | more information
  • November 25, 2013 - Balancing work and family , WXII 12- Local NBC Affiliate| more information
  • November 1, 2013 - Researchers Spotlight Series: Why spousal attitudes matter , Work Family Researchers Network| more information
  • September 24, 2013 - Professor takes half-full view of work-life balance issue , Winston Salem Journal-West| more information
  • September 1, 2013 - 4th Annual Moms at work event , Piedmont Parent| more information
  • September 1, 2013 - The new you-- reinventing yourself for success , Charlotte Parent| more information
  • July 3, 2013 - your-spouses-feelings-about-your-job-may-affect-your-own-much-more-than-you-think , Forbes.com| more information
  • December 2, 2011 - Digital Downtime , Fox 8 News Morning Show
  • December 1, 2011 - Digital Downtime , NJ Family| more information
  • December 1, 2011 - Student Storyteller: Habitat for Humanity a Learning Partner , WFU Homepage| more information
  • November 29, 2011 - Digital Downtime , CBS WFMY 2 Good Morning Show| more information
  • October 1, 2010 - Is the glass half full? , Schools of Business Magazine
  • September 1, 2010 - Labor Pains , Fox 8 News Buckley Report| more information