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Dr. Claggett teaches graduate courses on data management and on the ethical impacts of how organizations use data analytics. Her primary research stream examines how information systems affect health care processes. This work originated from her dissertation, which was supported by an NSF graduate fellowship and studied hospital coordination processes. Her other research projects include studying how individuals decide on the credibility of online medical information, the psychological effects of wearable devices, and how to design faster and more accurate algorithms to search online medical contexts.

Dr. Claggett's work has been published in leading journals and presented at premier conferences and research talks.

She has a full-time, tenure track appointment at the School of Business at Wake Forest University and is also an associate at the Wake Forest School of Medicine's Biomedical Informatics Center and the Center for Healthcare Innovation. She has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in a variety of areas but is especially interested in teaching topics related to utilizing data in today's data intensive environments.

  • Ph D, University of Georgia (Management Information Systems) - 2014
  • MS, University of North Carolina - Greensboro (Management Information Systems) - 2005
  • BS, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Biology) - 2000

Research Interests

  • Health Information Technology
    Coordination Theory
    Computer Self-Efficacy
    Emotional Responses to Digital Feedback
    Technology Adoption and Use

Teaching Interests

  • Data Management
    Data Architecture
    Data Visualization
    Business Intelligence
    Ethical use of Data Analytics

  • Kitchens, B., Claggett, J.,  Abbasi, A. (Forthcoming). Timely, Granular, and Actionable: Designing a Social Listening Platform for Public Health 3.0. MIS Quarterly.
  • Claggett, J., Petter, S., Joshi, A. M., Ponzio, T. A.,  Kirkendall, E. (2024). An Infrastructure Framework for Remote Patient Monitoring Interventions and Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research  | more information
  • Karahanna, E.,  Claggett, J. L. (2023). Coordinating Knowledge: A New Lens to Understanding the Role of Technology in Episodic Coordination. Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management  | more information
  • Feng, K., Claggett, J. L., Karahanna, E.,  Tam, K. (2022). A Randomized Field Experiment to Explore the Impact of Herding Cues as Catalysts for Adoption. MIS Quarterly, 46 (2),  p 1135-1163.
  • Claggett, J., Kitchens, B., Paino, M.,  Beisecker Levin, K. (2022). The Effects of Website Traits and Medical Skepticism on Patients' Willingness to Follow Online Medical Advice. Journal of Medical Internet Research  | more information
  • Claggett, J. L.,  Karahanna, E. (2018). Unpacking the Structure of Coordination Mechanisms and the Role of Relational Coordination in an Era of Digitally-Mediated Work Processes. Academy of Management Review, 43 (4)
  • Claggett, J. L., Watson, R.,  Boudreau, M. (2011). Greenway Medical Technologies:the pace-setting David of EHR. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 29 (17)

  • 2022 - Best Conference Associate Editor, European Conference of Information Systems
  • 2020 - Founding Faculty Award, AIS Doctoral Student College
  • 2015 - Doctoral Student Service Award, Association for Information Systems
  • 2013 - OCIS Doctoral Consortium, Academy of Management
  • 2013 - Recipient of the Comer Fellowship, University of Georgia
  • 2011 - Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation
  • 2011 - Student Mentoring Program - WISH, American Medical Informatics Association
  • 2009 - Recipient of this Biscoe Scholarship, University of Georgia