​Academic Centers

At the Wake Forest School of Business, we develop passionate, ethical business leaders who achieve results with integrity through a dynamic combination of thought leadership, academic preparation and unrivaled connection to the market.

To prepare our students for real-world business issues and achieve our goals of delivering exceptional market relevance, we have established innovative centers and institutes across a range of disciplines. Our academic centers not only serve as unifying elements that connect all programs, they also provide the School of Business with valuable industry relationships, thought leadership that positively impacts curriculum, and the opportunity for our students to gain practical experience with the skills and ideology that drive the market.

Our academic centers drive thought leadership and create an unrivaled connection to the market.

These deeper market connections and meaningful contributions to industry and academia create better businesses and advance scholarship in these fields of expertise.

Explore the links in this section to learn more about the numerous academic centers supported by the Wake Forest School of Business.