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Wake Forest Center for Retail Innovation and Inmar to Host Retail Futures Conference

Inmar and Wake Forest University Schools of Business today announced that industry leaders in Cloud Technology and Shopper Insights will gather November 16 to discuss the latest innovations and research findings in these two hot areas. The day-long Retail Futures conference is being co-sponsored by Inmar and Wake Forest University’s Center for Retail Innovation and is being held at Wake Forest’s Charlotte Center.

It is open at no cost to those in technology, retail, manufacturing and the media. Attendees may attend discussions on one or both topics.

During the Shopper Insight portion of the conference, retail gurus John Ross, Inmar executive vice president and president of Decision Sciences and Analytics and former CEO of Interpublic Group’s Shopper Sciences; and Britt Beemer, founder and chairman of America’s Research Group, will unveil the results of new research around shopper behavior during this holiday season. They also will discuss the future of retail and shopping, and place their bets for 2013 shopping trends.

The CloudCamp portion of the event will be packed with presentations, lightning talks and breakout sessions on topics including security in the Cloud, performance testing and more. CloudCamp events have been held at locations around the world with sponsor companies including IBM, Microsoft and Cisco. The event is free for attendees.

“Technology is having a huge impact on shopper behavior because it is arming shoppers with unprecedented information,” says Inmar’s Ross. He adds that “Retailers and manufacturers must understand emerging trends and how to insert technology into the decision-making process.”

Those wishing to attend either or both seminars can go to ( to register. Space is limited and is filling quickly.