Poets & Quants features two senior business majors as ‘best and brightest’

4.10.2017 Awards, Business & Enterprise Management, Entrepreneurship, General, Recognition, School News, Undergraduate Business
Photo of people in the article

Poets & Quants for Undergrads has highlighted two WFU School of Business seniors in its feature “The Best and Brightest Business Majors — Class of 2017.”

Barrett Redmond (’17), a business and enterprise management major, concentrating in Nonprofit Management. From the article:

What did you enjoy most about majoring in a business-related field? I enjoyed majoring in a business-related because I appreciate how flexible and applicable my business knowledge is both inside and outside the business world. My major taught me how to think analytically and view world issues, political iBarrett Redmond (’17)ssues, and social issues through a questioning eye.

What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? I would advise a student looking to major in a business-related field to try to incorporate and apply their business knowledge to their personal passions outside of the classroom. To me, it’s more important to build yourself, not your resume. However, by following your passion and applying your education, the former will usually lead to the latter.

Jake Teitelbaum (’17), a business and enterprise management major,  From the article:

What did you enjoy most about majoring in a business-related field? Majoring in business while working on my own entrepreneurial endeavors allowed me to directly apply what I was learning in the classroom with my own businesses.Jake Teitelbaum (’17)

Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? The work we’ve done at Resilience Project to not only provide tangible financial resources to patients struggling to pay for care, but also the emotional support we provide in helping them bring personality to treatment and providing art therapy.

You can read the full article here.