Dr. Gordon McCray
Associate Professor
- Ph D, Florida State University (Information Systems) - 1996
- MBA, Stetson University (Management) - 1988
- BS, Wake Forest University (Physics) - 1985
Research Interests
- Project Management
- Outsourcing
- Systems Development
- Visual Arts Market
Teaching Interests
- IS/IT Management
- Project Management
- Systems Analysis & Design
- Visual Arts Market
- Purvis, R. L., Zagenczyk, T. J., McCray, G. (2014). What's in it for me? Using expectancy theory and climate to explain stakeholder participation, its direction and intensity. International Journal of Project Management
- Purvis, R. L., Henry, R. M., Leigh, W., McCray, G. (2009). Are You Managing an "Everest" Project? A Case Study Considering Issues for Project Managers Born from Tragedy. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 24 (44) | more information
- Henry, R. M., McCray, G., Purvis, R. L., Roberts, T. L. (2007). Exploiting organizaitonal knowledge in developing IS project cost and schedule estimates: An empirical study. Information & Management, 2007 (44), 598-612.
- Henry, R. M., McCray, G., Purvis, R. L., Roberts, T. L. (2007). Exploiting organizaitonal knowledge in developing IS project cost and schedule estimates: An empirical study. Science Direct, 2007 (44), 598-612.
- McCray, G., Lander, M. C., Purvis, R. (2004). Trust-buidling Mechanisms Utilized Over Time in Outsourced IS Development Projects: A Case Study. Information and Management, 41 (4), 509-528.
- McCray, G., Purvis, R., Roberts, T. (2004). Heuristics and Bias in Information Systems Project Management. Engineereing Management Journal, 16 (2), 19-27. | more information
- McCray, G., Purvis, R. L. (2002). Project Management Under Uncertainty: The Impact of Heuristics and Biases. Project Management Journal, 33 (1), 49-57.
- McCray, G. E., Purvis, R., McCray, C. G. (). Biases and Heuristics in Project Management. Project Management Journal, don't know (don't know), don't know.
- 2000 - Reid-Doyle Prize for Excellence in Teaching
- 2000 - Senior Teaching Award
- 1999 - T.B. Rose Fellowship for Innovative Education